We're a duo of manga and hentai lovers, former translators. After months of hard work (fun but quite time consuming, since translating and editing isn't that fast) and little returns we've dropped the project. It's not like we were hoping, or wanting to gain something from our work, but we were hoping for some thanks, or some comments, or something. Not that this was the reason for the end of the translation experience, it's more like we had lost motivation month after month, this coupled with the limited time that the days are made of, led our project to slowly fade away, into nonexistance.

I would like to specify, about us, that we're not native English speakers, we use the language at the best of our possibilities so that more people can enjoy (we hope) our new little project, but errors are to be expected from us on grammar, lexicon and so on. So, bear with us, we hope that our reviews will be decent enough for everyone to understand.


She that starts every project, make everyone belives in it and then let the others work for her (getting every glorious result). As the smarter can guess from her name, she's slave of a thousand perversions and fetishisms that force her to amass incredible quantities of hentai to enjoy of it, while whining constantly about the absence of tentacles in the real world. Perfectionist, lazy, and extremely annoying, she's convinced to have reached a superior state of conscience, that allows her to cast aspersion on every human and to be right on every argument. That's a kind way to say that she's a bitch.

Mr. Torture

Don't let you be fooled by the name, if there's someone who is slaved that's definitely me! After a lifetime spent building an huge hentai collection -without ever having the time to read it- I have been involved in this project (and many other) because I believe that the form of expression constituted by drawing, in this particular case Japanese one, is capable to stimulate desires and fantasies while at the same time satisfy them, leading to a greater openness and understanding of sexuality. In other words, reading kinky mangas is funny and healthy, and I think they should be treated with higher consideration and respect.